Sunday, July 8, 2007

First Hip Shot

Okay Adr!@n and I managed to get the first hip shot done. I must confess that I chickened out a few times before he actually was able to stick me.......I was very scared....its different getting it at the doctor's office but putting a huge needle in Adr!@ns hand to stick in my hip was a bit scary. He did a great job, I barely felt it going in. This is the first of many nights to come.

1 comment:

TBF said...

Well I must say that you are a very brave woman. I give you a thumbs up because your process is much harder than I can ever imagine. I lift you up lady of God and say continue on because God has a plan for you and your husband. For no experience will be a waste in our lives instead a testimony for others.
Be Blessed :)