Monday, December 8, 2008

More Thoughts for the day

One of the girls on another board gave me Integramed website address, I had never heard of this before but I was able to find an article about Endo and the article was written by Surrey and Ory and at the end of the article it had links to Surrey and Ory so I figured if this guy is on the same article with Surrey they must be on the same page. He is in FL. (For those that don't know. Surrey is at CCRM and I would like to cycle with him as he is knowledgeable on Endo, but CCRM is not covered by my insurance).

So I submitted a request for an appointment with Dr. Ory as he seems knowledgeable on Endo.

I submitted a request for an appointment with Dr. Levy at Shady Grove Fertility that one of my fellow FFs recommended.

And I also have a request in at RBA to have a consult with Dr. Toledo who is the doctor that was going to do my transfer last time that suggested me going on Depot Lupron for two months. He said that he had amazing results doing this protocol. But lying naked on the transfer table really wasn't the best time to be having this conversation with him. RBA called and left me a message and said I have to fill out this form requesting to change doctors and both doctors have to sign off on it and she said that I shouldn't feel bad about it because it happens all the time at the clinic.

I really want to try the Lupron Depot because even the article written by Surrey & Ory said "Traditional medical therapies, for example Lupron or Danazol, do not enhance pregnancy rates when given alone," says Surrey. "However, we have recently shown that pre-treatment of endometriosis patients with Lupron prior to an IVF cycle significantly improved IVF pregnancy rates."

And even Dr. Toledo at RBA said the same even if I haven't made a decision who I'm going to go with to cycle with I can still do my injection at the end of December as planned because my OB/GYN said they would give me the injection.

As this is not a last result attempt for me, I don't think CGH is a pressing issue for me right now which Dr. Sher at SIRM is pushing. Especially after what I read about the Micro-Dose Lupron last night (recap here). I think I just need to find someone who will get my protocol right. If I do 2 more cycles and still nothing has worked then I think I would want CGH. I still may get PGD done with this cycle just to know we are putting normal ones back.


Michele said...

I know this is a lot of work, but it's great that you are so informed on your care. That makes being with the right doctor much easier b/c you can discuss your situation clearly. And the nurse was right; don't worry about switching docs. They are used to it, I'm sure!

Ms. J said...

Tashida . . . I just STILL don't even know where to begin in comenting on all of this. I can not fathom what you are going through, and how difficult and confusing all of this is. Not having endured more than about a week's worth of meds on the IVF merry-go-round (before stopping entirely because of our adoption referral), I am of nada help in advice. But I am here to listen and say a prayer for you to receive divine clarity, and peace in the path & doctors that you and Adrian ultimately select. HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tashida,

I found your blog and story quite moving. I understand how you feel. I admire your faith and courage, and I pray that He grants your wish soon.

It is very heartbreaking for me too to have a hard time conceiving. I live in Atlanta - I was wondering if you'd be willing to chat with me by email or phone to share some of our experiences?
[cauburn at]

Thank you and God bless.