Still shocked about it.....very much so! Its like the line is getting darker but I'm still not believing it. I don't know when this will wear off....maybe the first beta....maybe the second, the ultrasound, or when my water breaks....I don't know. I really just want to enjoy it because I promised myself that when it finally happened I would enjoy it and not worry about every single thing that could go wrong. But maybe I just need confirmation then I will start to accept it. I always pictured how my reaction would be over the years of TTC and when I got this was nothing like that. I guess thats what IF does to you, it steals the joys and excitement away of things that should be joyous and exciting.
This is him opening it:First look:
He says: "You're Pregnant?!?":
The second look:
The third look:
The fourth look:
He just kept saying wow, its pink and its really there! I couldnt' do nothing but laugh at him. I am so happy I was able to catch his facial expressions on camera like this!
I wanted to thank you ladies for all your kind words! I really do appreciate them!
So the beta is tomorrow.....the BIG DAY!
Oh yeah so DH was at work yesterday when I got the clear positive and his birthday was the day before Feb 26th. So the way I showed him the test was I put it in a box and wrapped it.
On the outside of the box I wrote:
The final gift for you,
The final piece to complete your special day.
I know yesterday was great,
But this is the icing on the cake
This is him opening it:
He says: "You're Pregnant?!?":
Then he walks over to me to say look do you see it, its there and its pink and I can really see it as he points to the line:
The second look:
The third look:
The fourth look:
And the fifth look: (I thought it was a woman thing to keep going back and looking at test....nope....DH's do it too!)
He just kept saying wow, its pink and its really there! I couldnt' do nothing but laugh at him. I am so happy I was able to catch his facial expressions on camera like this!
Can you tell he has stared at a few negative test with me where I was trying to make him see something that really wasn't there. Or the faint faint test where we have to turn and flip just to see the faintest of faint faint line! Well this one he clearly had no problems seeing. I can't wait till he gets home so I can show him tonight's test and how it is even darker than the one from last night!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH thats so sweet. You captured his expressions. WOW!!!! you all truly truly deserve this. I can't wait until the results tomorrow with your beta. Remember what you said "Enjoy every single moment" I just love how Adrian kept going back and forward looking at the test. I'm so thrilled for you.
You are getting these lines off of a test you took in the PM?!?! That is GREAT!! I had super faint lines with FMU, but nothing in the afternoons.
So cute to see all of those pictures. Can't wait to hear your beta results so we can guess if you are having twins or a singleton!
Is anyone else as anxious as I am for her beta?!?! Adrian's expression was pure joy -- priceless :o)
Yes I'm very anxious. I've been checking all day. Tashida where are you girl?????????
Way to chronicle your DH's visits to the test! So cute!
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