Saturday, February 9, 2008

Stim Day 8.5 - Finally shaking off the cobb webs

E2 = 771

Lining=9mm, Right = 13, 11, 10 and Left = 12,11,11,11,11,10,10,10 trigger will probably be Tuesday with an ER on Valentine's day or Wednesday with an ER on Friday.

So I was pretty worried at the beginning that I wasn't responding, but now I know that my body does what it wants to do and not what I would like it to do.

So I'm still pretty excited about getting the okay to transfer 3 embryos, however I'm an internet junkie and I spent a lot of the night researching triplets and twins. I would love to have twins; however I must admit that triplets make me take a deep breath. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have triplets, well at this point I would take any number as long as they are healthy babies. I am confident when I think of twins, but triplets just make me think like um can you really handle that. But at the same time it makes me small and truly excited!

But right now I just want some sticky beans....if they all decide to stick then great we will work through this together, but please please please at least one does have to stick so this journey can come to a halt!

June makes 5 years and its been a long long long 5 years.

On another note anyone else spell check not working?

1 comment:

Soapchick said...

Happy to hear you are responding. Hoping all of those follicles give you lots of eggs.