Sunday, August 10, 2008

CD 10 - Stim Day 9 - Apology

Today's stats:

Lining: 9.4mm
Right: 14,14,13,11
Left: 14,13,12,11,11,10,10,10
E2: 2402

Stay on 300iu Follistim tonight but drop down to 225iu in the AM. I don't think I will be ready for the trigger tomorrow as planned. Maybe Tuesday for a Thursday retrieval or it may even get pushed to a Friday retrieval. I prefer Tuesday or Wednesday because I don't want to stim as long as I did last time, but if I have to, to get more mature eggs then I guess thats what I will have to do.

Okay so on to my apology..... I had a revelation yesterday but didn't get a chance to get on and post yesterday. So here it is....

Dear Body,

I want to apologize because I often talk down to you. I often feel that you have let me down because you haven't responded in the way I wanted you to respond. However, I fail to remember the simple things that you do for me. My heart continues to beat, my lungs continue to pump. My eyes continue to see and my ears continue to hear. My limbs work, and my muscles do too and because of all this I say thank you. You are the temple that God blessed me with, I am to cherish and take care of you. I only get one and you are the one I have been blessed with. I wish it were simpler to be able to get pregnant, but thank God for medical interventions. I know all the things I do to you on a daily basis with the injections and the drugs and the many surgeries I've had may not be the easiest on you, but you stay strong and continue to push through. So body I apologize for talking down to you for not responding the way I want you to respond, but thank you body for all the small things that you continue to do.

For those that will ask, yes thats me. Back when I was trying to become a model (Dec. 2006).


Jennifer said...

Keep positive! We know that it will all work out. BTW- that is an AWESOME photo, I'm jealous. You look great!

RB said...

Dang, you are HOT! Stay positive Tash. My fingers and toes are crossed for you this cycle.

BigP's Heather said...

You are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love the talk you had with your body. Keep positive thoughts and I will too. This is your cycle. I'm claiming it!!!!!!