Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trying not to worry....but it's hard.

So I had a crazy dream that my first ultrasound showed I was carrying 10 babies. Yeah that's right 10. The dream didn't freak me out as I know that its not possible. But I woke up this morning thinking I wasn't pregnant. I guess its the lack of symptoms even though I know it is still very early, but I went and took a pregnancy test to ease my fears and it helped but not much. My beta is in two days, this waiting is just horrible.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to congratulate you on your BFP. I have been watching your story onn ff and lurking on you blog for some time. When I can on today to see that your beta was positive, I was just too happy. I had ET on August 5 which was a BFN. Will be doing another soon. I've been praying for and just want to say that I wish you a hh 9 mths.

Ms. J said...

I can't imagine the crzy thoughts your subcomscious is manifesting in your nighttime sleep!

How is Adrian doing?

Anonymous said...

Like you said if it isn't one thing its another. Everything is going to be fine and the next thing you know you will be holding your baby/ies. I'm anxious for the u/s. With those numbers it has to be more then one in there :)

Carrie Fette said...

I'd love to say the worries ease, but I'd be lying. Each pregnancy has endless worries, and that just gets worse when the babies are born. It's all part of being a Mommy- so congratulations Mommy :)